Thursday, April 30, 2009

Envy E cigs pics

Envy Electronic Cigarettes

What is

Envy is the perfect cigarette—all the good, none of the bad.

NO Known cancer-causing elements
NO (what is commonly known as) Second-hand smoke
NO Smell
NO Smoking Bans
NO Nicotine
(High, Medium, and Low Nicotine also Available)

Envy offers the tastes you want and Envy provides the nicotine you want—or don’t want.
Envy is the same size as a traditional cigarette and is used the same way.
Envy produces a vapor that is inhaled and exhaled. The exhaled vapor disappears immediately, leaving no smell. This means no more smelly clothes, car, home, etc. Better yet, no more ashtray breath.
Envy has no tobacco, which means no Tar, no carbon monoxide, no second hand smoke, and no known cancer causing chemicals.
Envy has no ignition, which means no more lighters.
Best of all, besides the obvious benefits, Envy can be used ANYWHERE!
Envy can be used in any restaurant, bar, casino, taxi, bus, and even airplanes.
Envy contains no tobacco, and has no ignition, which means there is no law against using this product wherever and whenever you have the desire.
Envy offers one more benefit: cost. Envy saves smokers hundreds of dollars per year